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Rubbish Football - the World Tea Cup

Rubbish Football was...aptly named. Once the ball had been released from the packaging (I supplied cottton gloves to the ball ref to put on BEFORE opening the order to make, it was heads down for a hootin'! And they are off...nope! Can't see a thing apart from a flurry of top hats and fascinators jostling with ferocious abandon; inside the scrum somewhere must be the ball - and cheers! As one side managed to toot the tiny ball through the tiny net! Hooray for Rubbish Football! (Next time we are planning to get some cameras down there...some little LED lights, and we might try to broadcast the thing. Don't bank on action replays though...we are not sure the speakers could handle the sound of all those party blowers in slow motion! Who won? The Reds? The Blues? Heck - I forgot to tell them which end their goal was anyway!

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