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“Night Paintings”


I stand in the garden at midnight, and sling paint at a canvas, with a selection of knives and kitchen utensils. I paint by the light of the moon, and to the sound of wind in the trees. I wait until the sun comes up to see what it looks like.


I am attempting to imply form and depth by using contrast and perspective – just using enough paint to stimulate the imagination to fill in the gaps. I have been overwhelmed by the kind words of encouragement I have received for these nocturnal experiments.


People see different things in the paintings – some see post-apocalyptic cities, some see war, others angels, some see dark tunnels, ghost ships or Victorian London.


I do not intend to depict these things, but I am happy the paint has implied and inspired these visions within the minds of the viewer, and I am very happy that some of these night paintings have ended up by hanging on the walls of people that I know.


I still feel I have not fully expressed what is in my mind yet, but am pleased with what I have learnt by these paintings.


                                                                                         - Ben Henderson, 2017

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