- we need to pinch that slogan for the Convivial
- Tiffin Mistress, Diana Clark

"The longest consecutively running Steampunk event in the history of the world"
- the Duchess of New Malden
The Convivials for 2025 shall be held on:
Feb 22/23
May 24/25
Aug 16/17
Oct 25/26
The Station
Function Hall
The Broadway Stoneleigh,
Epsom, Surrey, KT17 2JA UK
"The most bonkers day out
with friends that feel like family
at a fancy dress party!"

"I've got to get along to one of these. Apparently this is the best thing on the Steampunk calendar.
But, it's a long long way away and I've still got to get the hang of people. And I've nothing to wear." - Janie Leggett
"I didn't really know what to expect as I arrived at the Station ... didn't know that there would be times when I would be in fits of laughter (mostly uncontrollable) that almost make me p*** myself and bring tears to my eyes, a feeling I've not felt in years; didn't know that a random comment to a rather large zombie gent, "I wish I had the bottle to dance about" 'twas a foolish and yet the best thing I said all night, I was instantly grabbed by this giant zombie and dragged helplessly onto the dance floor, my nerves soon melted away as I swiftly drawn into the dance, loving every moment, thank-you big Scary zombie man!
I didn't know that I would meet and befriend so many splendid, talented, and fun loving folk, could go on, it was a long weekend, and I'm still recovering, Big thanks to Ben and all you Surrey Steampunks, you folk know how to party." - Ian Laming
Named as one of the
17 "Way-Cool Sci-Fi Conventions" by scifixfantasy.com

"It really is a romp of amazing madness and hysterical happiness that tugs at your immaculate imagination and stains it with outrageous happenings from which you will never recover but your life will be greatly enriched. In other words - it's a bit good!"
- Janet Dowling
"I was initally agog and am now quite simply FLABBERGASTED over The Surrey Steampunk Convivial! Frantically packing to catch the train back to the Midlands but have more pix and vidis... THANK YOU Ben Henderson for letting me join in a MOST magnificent weekend... And THANK YOU Jeanette Macklin for being an equally magnificent "hostess" for the weekend... a resounding HUZZAH to both of you and to everyone else involved in the Convivial... unquestionably a job well done from this newbie's viewpoint!"
- Lord Montague Jacques Fromage
"This is, in my opinion, the most fun-filled, mad-as-a-box-of-frogs event on the calendar."
The Longest Running, Biggest and Best Steampunk Event in the whole of Stoneleigh. Which is a small town in Surrey.