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Ostrich Racing 2015

The Ostrich racing proved popular - so popular in fact that we saw not one - but two races - and apparently there were lots of people that wanted a go but were sadly disappointed - so we are planning to purchase another stable full of steeds for next time.

The wonderful Alan Sennett apparently won the first Ostrich race by a fez - although it was a close thing! Well done Sir! And to your steed!

For the next round though - a few dastardly racers were disqualified for crossing the road without using the Pelican crossing - and quite rightly sent back to the Pelican Crossing - we must have 'Elf and Safety at all times - as well as set a good example for the little 'uns!

Now, we realise that there was never a deciding race betwixt Alan and the winner of the second race - so if they would care to accept a deciding race in February...that will happen!

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